Microscope Numérique 3D HRX-01
Inspection haute résolution
Simple, rapide et non-destructif
Mesures 2D & 3D
Stands XYZ intelligents
Zoom 0,1x - 10 000x
Exclusive 360° Rotary-Head
Système Confocal à Lumière Blanche NPS
Profilomètre haute précision
Précision en Z au sous-micron
Profil ultra-rapide
Mesures certifiées ISO 25178-602 (Sa, Ra...)
Automatisation & rapports
Compatible with HRX-01 3D Digital Microscope
Exclusive 360° Rotary-Head
Non Contact 360° Motorized Rotation
Unique Helicopter View around the Sample
High-quality Photos & Videos
Patented Magnetic Adapter from 6x up to 400x
Perfect for Reporting and Observing Complex Details
Full Control via the HIROX Software
MEB de table
Performances élevées
Simple d'utilisation
Images MEB à haute résolution et à haut grossissement
Mise au point, luminosité et contraste automatiques
Alloy Fracture
Tiling with MXB-2016Z zoom lens
Panneau solaire
Tiling with MXB-2500REZ zoom lens at 500x
Engine Part
3D Profile Measurement with HR-1020E zoom lens at 30x
Electronic board
Tiling with HR-1020E zoom lens
Multifocus image with HR-1020E zoom lens at 10x
Multifocus with MXG-2500REZ zoom lens at 30x and 1000x
Contact inspection with HR-2016E zoom lens at 40x
Multifocus with HR-5000E zoom lens at 140x
Multifocus with HR-1020E zoom lens at 90x
Multifocus with HR-1020E zoom lens at 90x
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