Tabletop SEM SH-5000M
Tabletop SEM SH-5000M
High magnification beyond the optical limit
- Max. 100,000x Magnification
- SE Detector (Option – BSE Detector)
- 1kV to 30kV Variable Accelerating Voltage
- Multi-Vacuum Mode – Standard / Charge Up Reduction
- Image Observation Ready within 2 min.
- 5-axis Strokes – X,Y,R, Z, T
- 4-Hole Variable Aperture (30/50/100/200µm)
- Options – EDS System, Cooling Stage, Low Vacuum Control
Non-conductive samples can be observed without coating, easy to use
- Auto adjustment functions
- System can be ready within 2 min after sample exchanged
- Compact and flexible
- Friendly GUI
High quality images
- Image resolution up to 5Megapixels
- Good depth of field
- Multiple image formats compatible
- On-screen measurement: Distance, Angle…etc.